Meet the Characters
Explore the Lore:
In the world of Lorn, Magic is a wild, dangerous entity. It is unpredictable. Ungraspable. Some treat it as a natural resource like iron to be mined from the ground. Others think it’s a chaotic spirit or devil trying to trick mankind into their demise. Others still think Magic is the thing running through all living things that was spilled forth from the River at the Soul of the World. But the truth is something else entirely. It is none of those things and all of those things. The Lornish people have abandoned trying to wield or understand this force of nature. Scholars every few hundred years try once more to grasp it. The Council of Undersnuff did a valiant, if not useless, attempt at drafting the rules of Magic. In the end most agree that only two rules matter: Magic is unpredictable. And, Magic always has consequences. Practicing Magic is left only for desperate fools.
Druidic History
The Nomadic Druids once roamed the ancient land of Lorn before the tribes united to become the country of Lorn. The Druids had a deep connection to the land, and to magic. They are one of the few peoples who claim to have harnessed the unwieldy power. As legends state, after a time of war the Druids outlawed magic. Its consequences were too great, and it drew the hungry eyes of other nations who did not understand the wild force. Many of the Druidic customs and they way they connected to magic has disappeared from history. Only grand myths and bedtime stories to warn children about playing with forces they cannot control remain. Some scholars believe that the Druids never existed, and were only a mythic symbol in the stories of their ancestors. However, the rare explorer returning from the treacherous Greater Lornish Wilds might claim to have seen ruined temples high atop the mountains…
The country of Lorn is protected by steep mountain ranges, easily traversable rivers, and sea in the North, East, and South. Thorvan City, where the king holds court, sits in the south protected by the Bay of Draoidhean. For thousands of years five houses and their lords have sworn loyalty to to the king, Firana, Huttfelden, Dalir, Sherpenstel and Bodvarr. The Northern, wild peaks in the North of Lorn are simply referred to as, The Greater Lornish Wilds. It is a wild place of myths and legends. Some have claimed to find ancient ruins of Lorn’s ancestors, the Druids, but most who venture too far North do not return.
However, those who call Lorn home know the woods to be gentle, and the rivers to be kind. It is a peaceful country. A place where it’s more likely to be handed an ale by a friend than to be stabbed in the back by an enemy. Every few years the Hodari from the North send their hoards to pillage Northern towns, but the armies of Bodvarr run them back to their icy islands. Bandits are known to roam the wilds north of Bodvarr and Huttfelden, and the River Pirates shouldn’t be messed with. However, most of them are the kind of people who will invite anyone to their Spring Festivities, or bring strangers in to sit by their warm hearths in the winter.
Lorn has held the Tree of Life on their insignia and flags since the Druidic tribes united in millennia past. It has fallen to not old stories to remember the original intent and meaning of the tree, but now it represents the people’s strong connection to nature and life
Thorvan City
Thorvan City sits at the peak of the Bay of Draoidhean. It is the capital and cultural center of Lorn. The king’s castle has resided here for hundreds of years. Thorvan City is named after Thorvan of Greyback who the legends claim united the nomadic druid tribes against an ancient evil, and founded the country of Lorn. He called his sword Draoidhean, and used it to lead his people to victory. Thus, the bay that protects the city was aptly named The Bay of Draoidhean. Besides being the center of political and cultural life in Lorn, Thorvan City is also known for its excellent potatoes and dark beers.
House of Bodvarr
The mighty House of Bodvarr sits just Northeast of Thorvan City, and has been the brawn of Lorn for a thousand years. Bodvarrians are a hearty, proud people. They chose the insignia of a grizzly bear for its unrelenting strength and protective nature. To die on the battlefield is the greatest honor a Bodvarrian warrior could be given. The armies of this house have the honor of facing the Hodari hoards when they pillage the Northern Lornish towns every few years. Prince Fordwin, and Princess Aedwin’s mother hailed from Bodvarr. Their mother’s older sister ruled as lord, but died honorably in the Rewavan Hills fighting the Hodari when they were children.
Bodvarr’s warriors are not the only thing that makes their people unique amongst the other Houses of Lorn. Bodvarr always has two lords ruling their land instead of one. They refer to their co-lords as the Double Headed Bear. One Lord is born into the station. The other is of the people and nominated by the Elders’s Council. The Lords are equal in status and power. However, Lord Edelle rules Bodvarr alone for the first time in centuries.
The Lornish Wilds & The Greater Lornish Wilds
The Lornish Wilds are the less populated, more wild lands North of Huttfelden and Bodvarr. Much of Fordwin’s journey to Adeline happens in these woods. Due to it’s sparse population and numerous hiding spots, many bandit gangs roam here. The towns are usually very small. Due to the wild nature of this place, people find their tribes and stick to them. It’s dangerous to trust outsiders. Lonely Rangers protect what they can of these areas, but since the wilds are so vast, and so few people live there, it is still hard to keep the rule of law. Hodari hoards will enter Lorn through the northern wilds, and decimate any unprotected towns along the way. Farther North of the Lornish Wilds are The Greater Lornish Wilds. Large mountains, bears, and the odd adventurer live here. It is a vast, lonely place. Few who have ventured there have returned. However, myths and rumors say that there are ancient Druid temple ruins scattered on some of the highest peaks, and down deep in the untraversable valleys.
River Pirates… er River Folk.
The River Pirates have been wreaking havoc up and down Lorn’s vast river network for decades. They pillage river boats, transport illegal contraband, and acquire particular goods to sell on the black market. They easily hide in the vast network of Rivers throughout the country. In recent years Captain Lornlake has led the group, and has made some strange changes. His crew refers to him as king instead of Captain. If you try to refer to the River Pirates as Pirates, they’ll strap weights to your ankles and toss you into the deepest part of the river. They now prefer River Folk. Anyone who doesn’t want to get on their bad side is best to remember this. There are so many rivers in Lorn, they aren’t even all officially mapped out. However, the River Folk know them better than anybody. They pick up secrets and rumors throughout their travels. If anyone knows anything about this Sorcerer, the River Folk will. Prince Fordwin is wise to seek them out for information. It’s a dangerous game, but if he can be clever he may get the information he seeks…
The Ostramarian Empire
Dravendir the Conqueror rules the Ostrimar Empire from the illustrious palaces of the Domini Isle at the center of the Western world. Five hundred years ago Ostrimar was only an obscure republic until a popular general consolidated power. He named himself emperor, and adopted the Manticore as the empire's sigil. His line of heirs have multiplied Ostrimar’s lands sevenfold. The Empire is known for the incomparable hanging gardens on the Domoni Isle, and forbidden city in the heart of their nation. Emperor Dravendir the Conqueror, has enlisted his sons in bringing more wealth and power to the nation. There are rumors that Crown Prince Barthelemy was responsible for the atrocious violence in Yavil. Priding themselves in being on the forefront of modern technologies and achievement, Ostrimar has now begun to experiment with the dangerous art of Magic. With their legions of slaves, they can unfortunately afford the consequences. Their Sorceresses do not live long as they do their master’s bidding.
Sitting on the Southeastern coast, the House of Sherpenstel is known for their prized large horned sheep who roam the hilly grasslands by the sea. Sherpenstel is surrounded by the sea on three sides. They’re tasked with monitoring the tumultuous Eastern coast, called The Valhill Straight, and the entrance to the Bay of Draoidhean. The water on the Valhill Straight is extremely volatile. Those who learn to sail there are some of the best seamen and women in the country. Sherpenstel has learned to make small fast ships for the particular conditions off their coast. Sherpenstel is also known for making some of the best cozy cloaks and sweaters from their high quality wool.
The Northern most house sits in the West by the mountains. The House of Huttfelden is surrounded by vast pine forests, and sells their lumber to the rest of the country via the rivers. The people of Huttfelden are known to be excellent hunters. This house is in charge of finding and training Rangers to patrol the edge of the Lornish Wilds which is often full of bandits, and small villages unable to protect themselves. These Rangers usually travel alone, and will live in the woods for weeks at a time without seeing another human. Huttfeldens are known for being a sturdy, gentle people. They know how to hunt, forage, and live off of the land.
The House of Dalir is at the base of the Western mountains. It is the smallest of the Lornish Houses, but they have a very unique culture. Dalir is known for their colorful, quilted fashions, and colorful flags that are sewn and hung through their mountain towns. They value art, and have many expert craftsmen living among them. There are many mines that snake in and out of the mountains with precious metals and stones. The people who live in Dalir are known for being a bit eccentric, but no one is sure if that is because of the large portion of artists who live there, or the fact that many folks work in the mines and that can make a person go a little nuts. However, no one doubts the fact that the finest metal, wood, and leatherwork comes from Dalir. Despite their hard work, Dalir is known for their parties. They have more holidays per year than any other Lornish House. Dalir has been in charge of the Spring Festival in Thorvan City for many decades, and never fails to put on the best firework shows. Many of the traveling theater troupes come from the mountains of Dalir.
The Port of Keeg, held by House Firana, sits on the South West coast close to the border of Bindwall. It is the first entrance to Lorn from the West, and where ships stop before entering the Bay of Draoidhean into Thorvan City. The Port of Keeg hears the first word of news or danger coming from the West. It is an impressive trade town. Many future scholars move to House Firana for the University and many libraries that dot its weathered cobblestone streets.
Other Countries
Northwest of Lorn sits a snowy, mountainous cluster of large islands. This is the country of Hoderan. Is less of a country, and more of a collection of warring tribes, but as a whole they are the Hodari. Their islands are so cold and harsh, it is difficult to grow food. Hoderan has developed fast, agile ships to fish in the treacherous waters around their islands, and to pillage nearby countries South of them. The Hodari are one of Lorn’s oldest enemies. They are ferocious, bloodthirsty warriors who will pillage towns in the North of Lorn every few years. They will steal food, cattle, and some people to take back as slaves. If they encounter a town they will kill or rape anyone in their way. Mostly, they come in small bands that strike quickly, and then sail back to Hoderan with their treasures. Some years however, the tribes will unite and gather large armies to invade Lorn. This happened about twenty years ago. The Bodvarrian army was able to stop the hoard of Hodari, but at great cost. They claimed the life of the Queen’s sister, one of the Lords of Bodvarr. Then again, the Hodari rallied many tribes and attempted to invade Lorn seven years ago. They were stopped again by the Bodvarrian army, who had lost their whole third division, and were severely outnumbered. A young Bodvarrian Lord was able to stop the Hodari from flooding into the Northern towns of Huttfelden by a clever move called the Luthion Formation. Hoderan’s numbers have diminished, and don’t appear to be gathering their forces anytime soon. Rumors say that there’s currently a bloody civil war between the three most powerful tribes of the Hodari. Lorn will not have to worry about them invading their shores for a while.
Bindwall is the neighbor directly to the West of Lorn. It’s a lovely country that is full of thick woods, much like Lorn, but lacks the amount of mountains and natural protections that Lorn has. Bindwall is known not just for its charming towns and peaceful woods, but also for its artisan cheese and craft beers. Every Winter Solstice, King Rin will send Lorn ten barrels of their finest craft beer, and fifteen rolls of cheese. King Rin has been a longtime friend of Lorn. Fordwin’s father King Brandolf would visit King Rin as a young boy when he was still just a prince. Even then, Brandolf thought Rin was an old man. Now, King Rin’s age is deteriorating his mind, and his children lack the wisdom of their father. With King Brandolf’s assassination, Rin on death’s door, and the Ostrimarian Empire threatening borders, the historic friendship between Lorn and Bindwall may not last.
West of Bindwall is the country of Heathershore. Heathershore is a large country known for their excellent soil, and large horned Oxen. They grow vast amounts of crops to trade with surrounding countries. Heathershore has been weakened over the past fifty years by the Hodari who have found their Northern strongholds to be an easy target for their raids. It led to Heathershore making some bad deals with Ostrimar, and now their whole western shore is filled with Ostrimar colonies. Lorn was once allied with Heathershore, but have distanced themselves. It’s believed that Heathershore is currently running under a puppet government put into place by Emperor Dravendir of Ostrimar. Many reports are saying that the country is completely taken, and Duke Oakland is dead. Ostrimar’s strategy with Heathershore is confusion and normalcy, presumably so they don’t have to deal with another situation like Yavil.
The United Valhill Islands
South of Lorn sits an island chain called The United Valhill Islands. It’s a warm, green place. They will allow visitors to certain islands, and they will trade with a few surrounding countries, but other than that they are very isolated. The United Valhill Islands consists of one large mountainous main island, and many small islands. So many that not all of them have been documented on maps, and many are uninhabited. The Valhill people are mostly sustained by their islands. Their government, called the Elder’s Seat, is run by electing one of the Elders from the different territories. They are a peaceful, deeply spiritual people. None of their allies have ever been to the main island. It is an important spiritual place that does not allow outsiders. The secrecy is also for their protection. They do not have a formal military. Reports say they have dug into the steep mountains on the main island, where they’ve created a complicated tunnel system to protect themselves in the event they are invaded. Lorn regards the Valhills with respect, but it is hard to have close relations with them when they keep so many secrets, and often answer questions with other questions. Fenrir, the Advisor to King Brandolf, once went on a diplomatic mission to their Northernmost island called Malina to meet with their leaders. After weeks of furry inducing unclear communication, Fenrir left the gifts they had brought and went home. Captain Ivar who accompanied him was under the impression that they did this on purpose to keep people out, and continue normal trade as they have always done. Lorn doesn’t expect any ill will from the Valhills, but knows they are not the type to aid Lorn if they were in need.
To the South of Heathershore, and on the doorstep of the Ostrimar Empire lies the island country of Perigrin. The country is small, but has developed an advanced banking and trading system that has made them very wealthy. The palaces in their capital are grand and awe inspiring. For centuries, Perigrin architects have perfected their art with tall, intricately carved spires, and painted complicated patterns and frescos. The country is home to many exotic birds. The buildings and palaces are made with indents in their towers for birds to nest. The royal family has a collection of some of the most exotic birds in the world, and often treat them better then their servants. Being just on the edge of Ostrimar, Peregrin was clever and used their assets to make the Ostrimar elite a lot of money. This has kept them safe from being taken over for decades now, but Emperor Dravendir of Ostrimar is getting greedy in his old age. Queen Aditi of Perigrin keeps the Emperor happy in order to protect her people’s freedom and security. Lorn sought an alliance with Perigrin about seven years ago. Prince Fordwin was supposed to marry the second youngest daughter of the queen, Princess Anjali. Princess Anjali had a particular, fanatic affinity for birds. Lorn’s royal family took a trip to the country of Perigrin. To Fordwiin’s dismay, they were accompanied by Master Vandill’s whole class, Edelle, Mirielle, and Adeline. Master Vandill was eager to teach them ancient Perigrin spear techniques. Prince Fordwin quickly knew he could not marry the Perigrin Princess, especially when he had quietly been in love with his childhood friend Adeline for years. When Prince Fordwin went against the king’s wishes and married Adeline, talk of an alliance with Perigrin quickly dissolved. It was a convenient excuse for Queen Aditi to cut ties with Lorn.
Yavil is the Western neighbor of Perigrin, and sits directly South of Ostrimar. Yavil is a rocky island nation with many small islands off its coast. They are an old country that has stories and histories going back many millenia. Their Yavillian Ancestors were skilled architects that built temples and palaces into the granite rock. They were known for their philosophers, astronomers, and epic poetry. The country had many gold mines, and thriving trade ports. A century ago, the sandy desert at the heart of the country began to expand rapidly, and ate away at many of their resources. Temples and mines were buried in the sands, and most of the population had to migrate into crowded coastal cities. The Senate became corrupted, and the country fell into poverty. Yavil was ripe for the taking when Ostrimar laid its eyes on them. Ostrimar sailed their Navy to Yavil’s shores and quickly took the country in a month with the sheer size of their army. The Senate surrendered control of Yavil. A strong resistance grew in the desert led by a strong charismatic philosopher turned soldier. They were close to taking back Yavil from Ostrimar, but the Ostrimar Princes arrived and quickly crushed them by infiltrating the resistance. The resistance’s leader was publicly executed by the Crown Prince of Ostrimar. As punishment for their crimes, Ostrimar killed anyone associated with the resistance, and made the rest of the population slaves to the horror of the world. A few of the resistance fighters escaped the country’s fate, but little can be done for their people now.
Noweran is a large remote island nation Southwest of the United Valhill Islands. It is mostly the home of whalers and pirates. Rather than a formal government, Noweran has a council of warlords, leaders of the Whaler’s Guild, and pirate captains. It is not a peaceful place. However if you were looking into going into organized crime, Noweran would be a great homebase for you. Noweran is generally left alone by the Ostrimar Empire because cleaning up the place would cost more than what they would get out of it. It’s one of the easier nations for refugees to flee to, but also an extremely dangerous place for anyone to call home.